Many of you will find this post to be silly, after all it's only a TV show right? I find it to be so much more. Jon and Kate declared last night on their show that they will divorce after 10 years of marriage and 8 children! Maybe she was just too mean? Maybe he cheated? Maybe the fame went to her head? Maybe he was not motivated enough? Maybe she enjoyed her time away promoting the show a little too much? Maybe he had one too many drinks while out?
Maybe..Maybe.. Just Maybe..They were two people who fell in love many years ago, ended up with 8 children and no real way to support them, found out that our society is full of barracudas when it comes to reality TV and dove in head first!
I'm not saying it is "our" fault that Jon and Kate are divorcing. But man we sure can eat these people up and then spit them right back out! And all of this in the name of entertainment, you have to admit, something just doesn't sit right with that!
Yes, they made their bed, they chose to be players in this ugly game of reality TV. I have to say I don't blame them, and no I don't feel that the kids are being exploited, that's nonsense! This game has allowed them some freedoms and flexibility that we are all envious of I'm sure. No it's not all about money, but to quote Dr. Phil, "let's get real here" money is and always would be a huge factor when raising 8 children! No the kids don't have to live in a beautiful house, or wear a new outfit from Gymboree daily, or go on vacation, or have music lessons, or get braces, or go to college. But if I were them and I could "play" this game for awhile and bring these extras to my family and not have the stress of full time employment and wonder where the next round of 8 pairs of shoes are possibly coming from I would do it too!
Would they have divorced without the show? I think it's highly likely the answer is yes. And just what would that look like? It certainly wouldn't have afforded them the luxury of keeping that sprawling house w/ acres of land for the kids to roam. A real "home" base for them. It's mom and dad that will have to come and go and share in their time and responsibilities of their 8 kids, but the kids stay put, in their home, w/ all of their "stuff" a blanket of security in their now forever changed world! Lucky they are not, but fortunate enough to have these added comforts to help ease the hurt. As a once divorced mom of three little ones (glad it wasn't 8!) I would have "played" that game to offer my kids those kind of comforts in a heartbeat!
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