It doesn't matter where you stand politically or if you have a stand at all, this movie is a must see! You have to realize that we are in a mess as a country, we the people allowed and created this mess and the time has come that we the people play clean up!
The definition of capitalism:
Economic system characterized by the following: private property ownership exists; individuals and companies are allowed to compete for their own economic gain; and free market forces determine the prices of goods and services. Such a system is based on the premise of separating the state and business activities. Capitalists believe that markets are efficient and should thus function without interference, and the role of the state is to regulate and protect.
Here is the deal folks we have ALL allowed capitalism to run a muck! The idea is great! Create a free market, promote healthy competition, and sit back and reap the rewards of our hard work and ingenuity! Sadly that is only happening for the top 1% of our population. Did you know that those on the very top have more wealth then the combined worth of the rest of the 99% of us? This isn't because they are SO smart and have worked SO much harder than us, it's because they have pulled the wool right over our eyes and we have become defenseless against them thanks to the twisted interests of the good ol' U. S. of A!
Our government is not doing what is said above, they are not "regulating and protecting" they have fed us to the lions! It's been happening for a very long time now, and it will continue to happen until we let them know under no circumstances are we going to allow it to continue. We can do this you know, afterall we do live in a democratic nation right? Oh, wait a minute we actually live in a "bought" union one where money equals power and the more power one has the more they want so they use more money to "buy" more power and it goes on and on and on!
Our politicians are owned and operated by corporations! The key to unlocking this ownership is to have total and I mean 100% set in stone campaign finance reform! The days of a presidential candidate taking millions of dollars from puppeteers needs to stop. You know the old saying "he who has the gold makes the rule!" By allowing our politicians to be bought and therefore controlled by these corporate Goliath's, because let's face it, that's exactly what is happening, we have opened our entire country and all it's citizen to their way or the highway!
This movie is not about putting fear where there is none. You honestly can't watch this movie and not question what you are hearing, it's impossible unless you simply can't think for yourself!
The sad truth is none and I do mean NONE of our political leaders are above the ugliness of this blood sucking game! I voted for Obama and to this day I really, really like the guy! I still feel that he has the potential of doing some good. I'll even go so far as to say that I bet he wishes he hadn't had to be a sell out to get where he is, but the truth is he wouldn't be president if that were the case. If Obabam hadn't taken the mulitple millions of dollars so easily placed into his hands by people such as Goldman Sachs for instance he would be back in the windy city today singing the blues with the rest of the folks sad about not getting the 2016 olympics!
You can't take money like that from corporations and not be expected to play their game, that is the simple truth folks. Money = votes = power. It's certainly not a complex formula! We have dealt the corporations that run this country, yea, the same ones that ran the economy into the toilet due to NO REGULATIONS OR PROTECTION A "FULL HOUSE!" They are gloating that CAPITALISM has allowed them to mascarade an army of unethical, immoral behaviors that if anyone of us were to behave in the same manner we would be utterly ashamed of ourselves!
Please watch the movie. Don't watch it without question, do question, question every last bit of it! Do your homework, read, research, seek the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth! I can promise you it won't be pretty. It's embarrassing what we have allowed this great nation to become. We are loathed around the world becasue we don't know when to leave well enough alone. We can't educate our children good enough to compete in a global market and we can't provide quality healthcare for millions of our own people. But we can produce a free market where the top 1% control and manipulate the other 99% of us all in the name of CAPITALISM!
Our government is not doing what is said above, they are not "regulating and protecting" they have fed us to the lions! It's been happening for a very long time now, and it will continue to happen until we let them know under no circumstances are we going to allow it to continue. We can do this you know, afterall we do live in a democratic nation right? Oh, wait a minute we actually live in a "bought" union one where money equals power and the more power one has the more they want so they use more money to "buy" more power and it goes on and on and on!
Our politicians are owned and operated by corporations! The key to unlocking this ownership is to have total and I mean 100% set in stone campaign finance reform! The days of a presidential candidate taking millions of dollars from puppeteers needs to stop. You know the old saying "he who has the gold makes the rule!" By allowing our politicians to be bought and therefore controlled by these corporate Goliath's, because let's face it, that's exactly what is happening, we have opened our entire country and all it's citizen to their way or the highway!
This movie is not about putting fear where there is none. You honestly can't watch this movie and not question what you are hearing, it's impossible unless you simply can't think for yourself!
The sad truth is none and I do mean NONE of our political leaders are above the ugliness of this blood sucking game! I voted for Obama and to this day I really, really like the guy! I still feel that he has the potential of doing some good. I'll even go so far as to say that I bet he wishes he hadn't had to be a sell out to get where he is, but the truth is he wouldn't be president if that were the case. If Obabam hadn't taken the mulitple millions of dollars so easily placed into his hands by people such as Goldman Sachs for instance he would be back in the windy city today singing the blues with the rest of the folks sad about not getting the 2016 olympics!
You can't take money like that from corporations and not be expected to play their game, that is the simple truth folks. Money = votes = power. It's certainly not a complex formula! We have dealt the corporations that run this country, yea, the same ones that ran the economy into the toilet due to NO REGULATIONS OR PROTECTION A "FULL HOUSE!" They are gloating that CAPITALISM has allowed them to mascarade an army of unethical, immoral behaviors that if anyone of us were to behave in the same manner we would be utterly ashamed of ourselves!
Please watch the movie. Don't watch it without question, do question, question every last bit of it! Do your homework, read, research, seek the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth! I can promise you it won't be pretty. It's embarrassing what we have allowed this great nation to become. We are loathed around the world becasue we don't know when to leave well enough alone. We can't educate our children good enough to compete in a global market and we can't provide quality healthcare for millions of our own people. But we can produce a free market where the top 1% control and manipulate the other 99% of us all in the name of CAPITALISM!
Sounds interesting I will have to watch it!
ReplyDeleteOh Lisa - I love you...are you sure your not Canadian?
ReplyDeleteI agree with you. I have not seen the movie yet, but I agree with you. For me it all ties into that mini film on the internet called "the story of stuff" as well. Really, most great gains usually come at someone elses expense. Ethically that way of thinking just does not sit with me....if it is the top 1% cutting corners and back door dealings (and finding ways to spin things so that if you question a thing you are somehow some wacky pot-smoking hippy communist wanna be) and the corruption, and how corporations are somehow all tangled and twisted into Government, they just do not belong anywhere near eachother.