Thursday, August 13, 2009

WOW! We just received our first Granny Bin monthly picture report for Morelson, I know I am seriously bias, but is this boy handsome or what?

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  1. Oh that was just so cute - he is such a handsome little guy!! These reports fill you up for about a week and then you will be itching for the next one...just watch!! Never have I paid so much attention to the arrival of the middle of the month :)

  2. I agree he is a handsome little boy!

  3. He is precious. Those Granny Bin reports were one of the only things that got me through that wait. A wise investment.

    So glad you're blogging-I enjoy reading.


  4. thanks for sharing Lisa, me too those Bin report helped a lot in the waiting !

  5. Thanks for your comments...your little guy is adorable!
