Today my kids and thousands of others went back to school! Our two oldest are both at the same college this year! Tyler is majoring in education and Brielle in nursing. Lacey started the 8th grade at a very non-traditional school this year. Her new school focuses on experiential learning. We are very excited for her as traditional school wasn't her cup of tea! Now she will be given the opportunity to travel all over the world as part of her studies while addressing all areas of growth and learning! Our youngest is of course still in Haiti. It was sad today as I watched the Kindergarten parents drop off their children right across from my classroom, I was supposed to be one of those parents! Morelson should have been taken to the store with a school supply list in hand, excited to fill the cart with crayons, glue and a new backpack! Instead he continues to wait for us at his orphanage. I know he doesn't really know anything different, but this boy was taken to the orphanage over 3 years ago and as only left for a total of about 18 days during our four visits to Haiti! He doesn't have school outside of the orphanage to look forward to each day, or trips to the park, ice cream store, or museum. He remains within the same four walls day in and day out, waiting for these people that have told him are his forever family. It puts things in perspective doesn't it? I complain when the line at Starbucks is too long, or they get my order wrong at the restaurant or my favorite tv show doesn't air due to a news special.
The biggest lessons we learn don't come from those taught at school. Of course school is valuable, as knowledge is power, but Morelson has taught all of us more than we could have ever imagined and he hasn't even stepped foot in our house!
We love you sweetheart, miss you and ache for you. What a happy day when you are standing at that classroom door, backpack on and smiling that Haitian smile as your mommy is crying with joy!