Read more about CNN's Black in America 2. CNN will present tonight & tomorrow night it's second part to the documentary done by Soledad O'Brien on being black in America.
I encourage you all to tune in, as "this is not programming for black Americans, this is programming for all Americans!"
There are ill's in today's society from disease, to lack of education, to marital woes, to crime. And while these things are disproportionately experienced by black's in America, they are by NO means a uniquely black problem. These are all very real American problems!
While this programming focuses on blacks, I hope that we can all see our roles in changing the direction of America. It's yet another reminder that we are truly in this together, as we are ALL American's and regardless of our skin color, we need to present a united front. No matter where we came from or how we got to where we are, or where we still need to go, the fight to conquer today's issues needs to remain "all American!" It's clear to most of us already and if it isn't this documentary will help you see that life in America has certainly not been fair or easy for black's. But life in America is changing for ALL of us, and those of us that are from the white privileged set are now realizing what so many others have already known for so long! There is of course no easy answer, but uniting, rather than continuing to separate has to be more right than wrong!
Oh my in-laws saw this but at the time we did not have cable. I will have to check it out!!